$Id: dnstracer-changes.txt,v 1.8 2004/07/08 11:41:08 mavetju Exp $ Version 1.9: - With the rollout of IPv6 for a.root-servers.net, it always took the IPv6 address even if you used the -4 option. - Fix false lame server issues with domains which have the higher domain in it (command.com for example). Version 1.8.1: - Put back timeout command line parameter, it will be the maximum time to wait instead of an increasing one. Versios 1.8: - Better handling of timeout (instead of a static value, start with five seconds and double it each retry) - Warnings are printed if you receive a different RR type than the one you asked for (for example when you ask for an A record and receive a CNAME) - Fixed problems when records received in the authority field are shorter than the domain the nameserver is authoritative for. - When compiled without IPv6 support on an IPv6 capable machine the machine tried to query the IPv6 translated IPv5 address anyway. - -C caches hosts which haven't answered too. Version 1.7.1: - Fix display of SOA serial number, by Janne Snabb - Non-IPv6 builds should not use gethostbyname2() Version 1.7: - Removed a debug-line while doing PTR requests. - Now IPv6 servers are traced too. Use -4 to disable it. - Added -S option for specifying source IP address. version 1.6: - Added SOA record tracing - Fixed a debug duplicate variable printing. version 1.5: - Sometimes it happened while tracing a name without specifying a server it would return immediatly without printing any information. - names with a trailing dot are now handled correctly. - warning from Kris Kennaway regarding sprintf()'s without format-strings (yes, I feel ashamed). - On request of Anthony DeRobertis , via Thomas Seyrat , support for PTR records. version 1.4: - Added -Wall to Makefile.am so at least I would get warnings from my C compiler thank you. Removed some stupid unused variables. - Fixed big/little endian problem in the structs so that the flags are looking allright now. - Answers are displayed as authoritative or normal. - Digging goes on until we have hit an authorative server. - Info about which zone is being queried now. version 1.3: - added win32 support by Mike Black - fixed bug where the IP addresses in the resource records wouldn't be used. - when an authority NS record wouldn't have an additional A record it can get multiple IP addresses when it resolves the hostname in the gethostbyname(). This is now handled correctly. version 1.2: - renamed into dnstracer due to clash with DJBDNS's dnstracer. - dnstracer would segfault if nameserver name couldn't be resolved (by Vilhelm Bergman ) - support for /etc/resolv.conf via a patch from Moritz Barsnick - -s . will take A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET - autoconf/automake support... *shudder* - support for different query-classes. - Gerd v. Egidy gave it RPM capabilities and checked the automake/autoconf construction. version 1.1: - fixed problems for big-endian little-endian machines. - fixed linking problem on Solaris. Use Makefile.sun for them. version 1.0: - initial release