To understand this program you have understand the situation I'm in.
I have five xterms open with the mailreader mutt, all looking at
different files. The five xterms are all on top of each other, I
don't like this cluttered.  Now and I look at all five of them,
hoping for new mail.

I have five xterms open with the mailreader mutt. Sometimes I have
mail in one, sometimes I get mail in another. I've tried to use
the normal biff, but that beep was annoying and it didn't give me,
besides beep, not really interaction with the xterms.

Mavbiffs window is made of buttons, for every file one.
		|   [Folder 1]   |
		|   [Folder 2]   |
		|   [Folder 3]   |
If a file is changed, the button will move from disabled to normal.
You can click on it to re-disable it again. If you click on it, it
will also bring the window with the mail to the front.

The configuration-file is .mavbiffrc. Each line has three fields:
- The file to monitor.
- The name in the button.
- The window-name to raise.
All fields are seperated by tabs. See dot-mavbiffrc for examples.

Your xterms have to have names. This is how I normally do that:
"xterm -title "MUTT - freebsd-questions" -geometry 80x60 -e mutt -f=freebsd-q".
So the config should have the name "MUTT - freebsd-questions" for
this xterm.

Mavbiff requires TCL/TK and XFree86.
Mavbiff is using code of the XFree86-project. See mavraise.c for details.
Mavbiff is BSD licensed. See LICENSE for details.

Enjoy mavbiff!
