MavEtJu's Distorted View of the World

City2Surf 2012

Posted on 2012-08-12 17:00:00
Tags: Sports

The yearly City2Surf event was on again. It is a 14 kilometer walk (or run as some people prefer). This is my historical sheet.

2000: I was in it, but the website doesn't have the name...
2001: 2:42:08, but that was without the correction from the start to the starting-line. 2:20:00 assumed :-)
2002: Cough cough sick :-(
2003: 2:32:39, 2:12:00 assumed.
2004: 2:19:30. But they still did not have electronic measuring. Strange.
2005: 3:36:43. I got a blue bib! I walked with Naomi and carried Dirkie in the sling (who was six months old). They were in the yellow bib group, so I had already a 10 minute penalty! 03:10:00 assumed.
2006: Cough cough sick.
2007: Not entered.
2008: 2:42:19. I had Dirkie in the stroller. 2:20:00 assumed
2009: 3:30:18. Dirkie walked half of it and sat the other half on my shoulders.
2010: 2:35:57. Hanorah in the stroller.
2011: 3:12:18. Dirkie is now six years and walks much faster.
2012: 3:05:18. A new personal best for Dirkie.

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