DragonFly - Presentations

DragonFlyBSD Multimedia Resources List

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Tag: process isolation

  • Kristaps Dzonsons - Process isolation for NetBSD and OpenBSD
    Source: DCBSDCon
    Added: 24 May 2009
    Tags: dcbsdcon, dcbsdcon2009, slides, openbsd, netbsd, process isolation, kristaps dzonsons
    PDF (687 Kb, 27 pages)
    In NetBSD and OpenBSD, user-land process and process-context isolation is limited to credential cross-checks, file-system chroot and explicit systrace/kauth applications. I'll demonstrate a working mechanism of isolated process trees in branched OpenBSD-4.4 and NetBSD-5.0-beta kernels where an isolated process is started by a system call similar to fork; following that, the child process and its descendants execute in a context isolated from the caller. This system is the continued work of "mult" -- first prototyped in a branched NetBSD-3.1 kernel and isolating all system resources -- pared down to a lightweight, auditable patch of process-only separation for both OpenBSD and NetBSD. I specifically address solutions to performance issues and mechanism design with an eye toward more resources being isolated in the future.